This Shit is Fucked Up : COVID-19

This is fucked up. Like it really is. I try to be chilled out about these kinds of things but the more people I talk to, the more freaked out I get. I avoid the news for a reason. I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t been in a bit of a panic the past 24 hours. I have elderly grandparents, my boyfriend and I have asthma, my parents were supposed to come visit in May and on top of all that, I have been prepping for a bikini competition since January that will probably be cancelled. 

Try not to Panic

What I usually do when I panic, or am anxious, or worried, or sad… or any emotion really… I train. And I couldn’t even do that today because it is a mandatory rest day and I am on super low calories for this fucking competition that may or may not happen…. So instead I did the adult thing and got into my car and burst into tears. 

Pull Yourself Together Woman

I decided I was going to let myself be upset for a little while and then I was going to stop being a fucking baby, pick myself up put on my heels, practice my posing and get the fuck on with it. 

Over the past couple of days the situation has really deteriorated; I think people are finally realising how serious this thing is.

In times like these instead of focusing on fear and speculation of what could be, we need to be grateful for all the things that we still have and simply take each day, each moment as it comes. This is a test. On ourselves, and on humanity as a whole. Our world has been in such a shit storm for so long, something had to give. Between the climate change and world war 3 almost happening, we needed a fucking wake up call. 

We Can Get Through This Together

Life is precious. This earth is precious. We are precious. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is the universe’s way of giving us a kick in the ass, to tell us that we need start working together instead of fighting;  we need to show love and compassion instead of fear and hate. 

We are always saying how busy we are, how there is never enough time. This is the perfect opportunity to slow down, to spend time with ourselves, and reflect. We now have time. To read that book. Go on that hike. Practice that handstand. Bake that cake. Start that online course.

We can use this time to meditate, instead of getting caught up in incessant mind chatter that fuels our anxiety. We can work on controlling and silencing our thoughts, going into ourselves, and if we are lucky enough, to come out the other side, better for it. 

We are all in this together.

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  1. Lynn | 17th Mar 20

    Absolutely! My thoughts entirely!

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