Plants for Health

As I mentioned in my last post, the 2 main reasons why I decided to become plant based were firstly because I love animals more than humans, (no just kidding but I love them), and secondly for my health. Helping the environment was a lucky third reason that I better understood after I did a bit more research. 

The ‘Vegan movement’ if you will, is slowly beginning to gain popularity. Things like Meatless Mondays and Veganuary are starting to get people a bit more open to the idea of limiting or completely forgoing animal products. 

There is so much evidence now, showing the direct link between highly processed animal products and chronic illness, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, that it is hard to ignore. Numerous studies have shown that these diseases can be controlled, reduced, and even reversed by switching to a whole-food plant-based diet. 

The Irish and American Cancer Society websites now even put up a ‘red alert’ around red and processed meats saying that in order to help prevent cancer, you should stay away from them. It wasn’t long ago that animal products were a staple in most countries ‘healthy eating guides’ and now, animal products have been massively reduced and even taken completely off the guides which now advise to choose plant based protein sources, and to eat as little animal products as possible. 


Red Meat vs. Poultry

It seems as though people are starting to understand the negative effects on our health of consuming red meat, which is great, but they have started switching from red meat to poultry, and continue to consume eggs, mistakenly believing this is the healthier option. This is how it has been portrayed by the media in order to try to keep poultry and dairy farms profitable, while beef sales slowly decline. 

High amounts of cholesterol are found in all animal products including very high amounts in chicken and eggs. It is not found in plants. Our livers make up all the cholesterol that we need, so the extra cholesterol entering our bodies through these animal products builds up and this is what can cause heart disease and strokes. Excess Cholesterol also supports the rapid growth of cancer cells – On patients recovering from colon cancer, studies have shown that eating only one egg a day actually brought back an aggressive cancer growth, and there are SIGNIFICANT links between egg consumption (as little as half an egg per day) and breast cancer. (1)

Our largest environmental exposure is the food we eat, and it is filtered through our gut bacteria. Eating animal products such as red meat chicken, eggs and dairy can foster the growth of bacteria that convert substances in these animal products into cancer causing chemicals. (2) 

Furthermore, Most people consume twice the amount of protein needed; when cancer has been found, a high protein diet that exceeds the amount needed by the body actually promotes cancer growth. This is only animal protein – high protein plant based diets do not. (4)


When I first toyed with the idea of going plant-based my first thought was – OH MY GOD THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY I CAN GIVE UP CHEESE!! WHAT ABOUT PIZZA! OH MY FUCKING GOD! And then the more research I did, the more I realised there was actually no way I could put dairy into my body after finding out how detrimental it is to our health. 

Just think about this for a second. Cow’s milk : it is literally baby cow growth hormone. Why do we think it is ok for us to consume? You would think it is ridiculous to consume giraffe or gorilla milk, so why is it ok for us to drink cows milk? 

Casein, the primary protein in milk has been called, by Dr T. Colin Campbell PhD  the most relevant carcinogen ever identified. Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm but stopped consuming dairy when he discovered that the growth of cancer cells could actually be increased and decreased by raising and lowering doses of casein. (4) The interesting thing about this, is that Dr. Campbell set out to prove that animal protein was an essential part of a healthy diet, but ended up conducting 20 years of research that showed just the opposite. Him and his son wrote the international best -seller ‘The China Study’ which examines the link between animal products including dairy and chronic illness. 

Also, I hate to say it, but we have all been duped. Research shows that dairy has little or no benefit for bones. Bones need calcium to stay strong and maintain density, yes, but after a certain amount, the benefit diminishes. They also need vitamin K, which, surprise!  Is not found in dairy. Luckily, plants like kale and broccoli contain more than enough of both. (3)

What about fish? 

For people cutting out animal products, fish is usually the last thing to go. As in other animal products, fish contains excess cholesterol that we don’t need, however fish get a good name for the omega-3 fatty acid content. Before you consume fish, just think about where you are getting it from. Toxins like mercury in our polluted water ways work its way up the food chain and into the fish we are eating. Don’t even get me started on farmed fish. A lot of the time they are fed blended smaller fish and cow by-products, and are loaded with antibiotics. (5) 

Now you know

I don’t know about you, but I intend to live a happy, and fucking long and healthy life. Why in the fuck would I put this shit in my body when it is scientifically proven to make me sick!? Fuck that. As I’ve said in my last post, since switching to eating only plants, I have literally never felt so good in my entire life. I sleep better, my recovery in the gym is fucking through the roof, my skin is better, and I have even noticed that a wrinkle I was getting on my forehead isn’t so prominent anymore. I’m not trying to force my values on anyone else, I just feel inclined to share what I know, and you can do what you please with the information.


(1) Michael Greger MD. FACLM.Jan 14, 2019.Vol 45.

(2) Michael Greger MD. FACLM May 8, 2017. Vol 35. Nutrition


(4) Campbell, T.C., & Campbell, T.M. (2006). The China Study: The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and the startling implications for diet, weight loss and long term health.

(5) Lani Muelrath. Plant Based Journey 

About The Author



  1. Lynn | 9th Mar 20

    Excellent article Laurel! Well written and substantiated. Truly makes a person re-think their food choices. Have already started implementing some of your suggestions and, as time progresses, am sure I will get to a diet that works for me. Well done!

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